Wednesday 13 July 2011

My name's Gretchen and I'm a serial spender...

I am very open to money saving tips! (practical ones)

I love to spend money, on anything, mostly clothes, but I love trying new make up/ facial products/ toothpastes/ shampoos etc. It gives me a buzz. I guess I also like the more expensive things in life, I always have done. However, I will go into poundland every so often so see if there's any bargins, and I love getting things in the sale for great prices (WAS £200 NOW £40! How can you not resist???)

My spending does cause slight problems for me, for the last week/ two weeks of the month I probably won't eat haha. It's all on a debit card and it's all my own money, so I won't be in any kind of debt, so that's ok.

I've tried a few things to stop me using my card. One month, I took out all the cash I needed to pay off bills, and then I put my card in an envelope, sealed it shut, then put it inside another envelope, writing messages as I went, (DO NOT USE; EMERGENCIES ONLY; DO YOU REALLY NEED THAT?!) I then completely covered the envelope in sellotape. This worked for about 15 minutes. Then I fell in love with a jacket and just had to have it. (I wear this jacket all the time, so it was worth it!)

Sometimes I'll go shopping with Kyle (my boyfriend) and I'll be very focused (he hates being dragged round the shops) but if a certain piece isn't in stock or what I want isn't in my size then I'll get upset and annoyed and decide that instead I'll just buy some deodorant and a loaf of bread, just to make me a bit happier. I also like having loads of different carrier bags from different shops, all different colours.

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